Monday, October 5, 2009

Temperature In The Shade

When talking about the temperature, the Swedes often feel the need to add "in the shade" after the stated temperature. However, this phenomenon typically occurs only when the temperature is very warm....roughly 30 degrees celsius being the apparent threshold. For temperatures below 30 degrees celsius, simply stating the actual temperature (which happens to be in the shade anyway) is considered sufficient. Here's an example. "Yeah, last week I was down in Spain. While it was cold and rainy here in Sweden, down there it was 35 the shade!" Apparently, since temperatures so high are rarely experienced in Sweden, this suffix somehow becomes necessary. A little added shock value perhaps. As if the other person is supposed to think, "Wow! If it's that hot in the shade it must be really hot if you were standing in the middle of your driveway with the sun beating down on your black shirt!"

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