Monday, November 2, 2009

Swedish Toilets 101

The Swedes are widely known for their engineering prowess and I think a good example of this is their toilets. Overall I would have to say that the Swedish toilets are superior to their North American counterparts, however there are some things to keep in mind in order to make the most of your experience. The best characteristic of the Swedish toilet is the high pressure flush, especially if you opt for the "full flush". They use a lot more water and the result is a more forceful, thorough flush. Pluggings are almost non-existent, I don't even own a plunger here. Some toilets offer the user the option of the forementioned full flush or else the half flush. I don't really see the logic in this. Why would anyone pick the halfer when the full flush button is right beside it? Maybe if you're really environmentally friendly but I choose other ways to reduce my carbon footprint. I'd recommend the full option everytime. The thing you want to be cautious of with the Swedish toilets is the low resting water level. The diameter of your water target here is going to be about 20cm versus maybe a 40cm standard with a North American toilet. This may seem unimportant, but unless you are right on target, you are going to have some collateral damage outside the water limit. Streaks that are often not eliminated despite the powerful flush. So although you can probably get by without a plunger, a toilet brush is an absolute necessity. Without one you are left with more creative and less appealing options of which I'll spare you the details.

1 comment:

  1. The reason why you can choose to flush with a lot of water or less is that you need more water to flush if you've done number two than if you've done number one, true story!

    Greetings from a Swede
