Thought we'd clear the air regarding a few brilliant questions we frequently get regarding Sweden from from people back home over the pond. Not that we spend a lot of time learning about Sweden in our North American schools, but whether your teacher would admit it or not, there is such a thig as a dumb question. But we love them so keep them coming.
Q. What language do they speak in Sweden?
A. Uuhh, that would be Swedish.
Q. Do you ski a lot in the Alps there?
A. Not when I'm in Sweden.
Q. Do you have one of those "Swedish bank accounts?"
A. I assume you're referring to a Swiss bank account which I do not have, but yes, I do have a Swedish bank account. As to whether or not the dozens of dollars I have in it are traceable, I can't say.
Q. Do they have McDonald's there?
A. Unfortunately, yes.
Q. Is everyone in Sweden blonde?
A. Yes, every single person.
Q. Do you know the Lindströms?
A. Yes, but probably not the ones you're referring to.
Q. Do you shop at IKEA a lot?
A. Every chance I get.
And finally.... "How far is it to Stockholm from where you live?", I was asked. "About 3 hours by car", I said. "Really?", they replied, "Is Sweden that big?" Yes.